A Dogs Life Training and Education LLC shall provide dog training services and equipment pursuant to the program and on the terms set forth under Training Program/Terms as set forth in this Contract. The training program shall include instruction to Client on the use of the equipment and methods of training the pet. I understand and agree that A Dogs Life Training and Education LLC cannot and will not assume or accept responsibility for the performance or behavior of my dog. I am aware that behavior problems will be addressed during training and that the trainer, under some circumstances, will take measures necessary to ensure the safety for all involved and any other who may be in the surrounding area based on the sole discretion of A Dogs Life Training and Education LLC. I also understand that A Dogs Life Training and Education LLC cannot and does not guarantee that behavior problems will be controlled, modified, or eliminated. I understand that all dogs are trained by A Dogs Life Training and Education LLC without liability on its part for loss or damage by or from disease, death, running away, theft, fire, or injury to persons, other dogs, or property by said dog(s), or other unavoidable causes, due diligence and care having been exercised by A Dogs Life Training and Education LLC.
Scheduling: A portion of the program may take place in a group setting exposing the dog to other
dogs. A $35 cancellation fee or loss of appointment applies for missed appointments and/or
appointments not cancelled 24 hours in advance. Client is responsible for contact in A Dogs Life Training and Education LLC office for scheduling, canceling, or postponing all appointments. A maximum of two appointments may be canceled without forfeitture .
Payment: Account must be paid in full prior to or at the first training lesson. The full training fee is deemed earned upon delivery of first training lesson. A fee of $50 shall be charged for any check returned unpaid by your financial institution.
Images: Trainer may photograph and/or video training sessions for future use in training,
advertising, or other purposes. Client hereby provides their continuing consent to A Dogs Life Training and Education LLC for the taking, usage and distribution of images/video of Client and pet. Client may not video the training but may have access to training videos shared by Trainer.
Results: All dogs have different temperaments, and their owners vary in ability and willingness to
follow the program; therefore, results will vary. At the conclusion of the private sessions, the Trainer will have the Customer demonstrate the training skills learned by the dog. The skills include obedience to certain verbal commands and response to proper use of equipment. If customer follows the training instructions provided and at the conclusion of the program the dog fails to perform the skills required, at the Customer’s option, A Dogs Life Training and Education LLC will continue to work with the Customer and the dog.
If the pet is aggressive, client shall use a muzzle during all training sessions as recommended by A Dogs Life Training and Education LLC. There are no guarantees that aggression will disappear with training, so it is the client’s responsibility to muzzle the dog and avoid potentially problematic situations at all times, not just during the training sessions.
Client hereby agrees to defend, indemnify and hold A Dogs Life Training and Education LLC and the property/business owner where any training shall be conducted harmless from and against any loss, damage, liability, suit, claim, cost or expense, specifically including, without limitation, reasonable attorneys’ fees arising from or relating to any injury to person or to property sustained as a direct result of the Client’s pet.